Project Title: Peer-to-peer Teaching In The Inpatient Setting
Authors: David Maurer, DO
Program: St. Anthony North Family Medicine Residency
Abstract: A critical component within any Family Medicine residency program is the efficient and accurate transfer of information between Residents. Our team composed an online-based bank of teaching presentations covering some of the most common medical conditions with the intention of being reviewed each morning on the Inpatient Medicine service. Resident perception of teaching efficacy and improvement in learning was monitored longitudinally through online surveys. Our results suggested over the course of 10 months there was a decrease in the perception of the need for teaching, the implementation of our teaching strategy, and an increase in the perception that residents are ‘too busy’ for structured morning teaching. Our results suggest there is continued room for improvement with our peer-peer transfer of information in the form of structured teaching.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to…
• Develop and implement an effective peer-peer teaching program
• Monitor longitudinal improvement in information transfer between peers
• Continue to innovate new and effective teaching techniques
Category: Inpatient medicine