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      Colorado Rural Training Programs

Colorado has three Family Medicine Rural Training programs.

The Wray Rural Training program welcomed its first resident in 1992.  

The Alamosa and Sterling Rural Training programs welcomed their first class of residents in July 2016.


Alamosa RTT

Alamosa RTT is a 3 year ACGME accredited rural training program in which you spend your first year in Pueblo, CO with the core program of 18 residents and you spend your PGY2 and PGY3 year in Alamosa, CO with 3 other residents. Both towns have numerous outdoor activities to include hiking, skiing, water sports, biking trails and national forest land. Alamosa, a town of 10,000 is an ideal size town for families and for training in a rural community. Your training in Alamosa is full spectrum to include addiction medicine and also offers one on one teaching with over 8 different specialists at the San Lois Valley Hospital. 


Alamosa RTT Brochure

Alamosa Video

Sterling RTT

First year of training takes place in Greeley, Colorado with our Core Program with robust experiences in clinic, inpatient adult medicine, inpatient pediatrics, outpatient pediatrics, inpatient obstetrics/nursery, emergency medicine, intensive care nursery and adult intensive care unit block rotations.  Second and third years of training, except for away elective rotations, take place 100 miles northeast of Greeley in Sterling, Colorado, a community of 14,000 featuring a rural health clinic attached to a 25 bed hospital. The longitudinal curricular approach in Sterling leads to extensive clinic and daily inpatient educational experiences including operative obstetrics, gastrointestinal endoscopy, emergency medicine, sports medicine and skilled nursing facility medicine.  Graduates of this program will be highly trained for broad-spectrum family medicine in any rural location.


Sterling RTT Brochure

Sterling RTT Video

Wray RTT

The first 15 months of training take place in Greeley, Colorado with our core program with robust experiences in clinic, inpatient adult medicine, inpatient pediatrics, outpatient pediatrics, inpatient obstetrics/nursery, emergency medicine, intensive care nursery and adult intensive care unit block rotations.  The remaining 21 months of training, except for away elective rotations, take place 140 miles east of Greeley in Wray, Colorado, a community of 2,300 featuring a rural health clinic attached to a 12 bed hospital. The longitudinal curricular approach in Wray leads to extensive clinic and daily inpatient educational experiences including operative obstetrics, gastrointestinal endoscopy, emergency medicine, sports medicine and skilled nursing facility medicine. Graduates of this program will be highly trained for broad-spectrum family medicine in any rural location.


Wray RTT Brochure

Wray RTT Video


Contact Julie Herzog

Director of Operations and Programs

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