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Knowledge Assessment of Naloxone Availability in Pueblo, Colorado

Project Title: Knowledge Assessment of Naloxone Availability in Pueblo, Colorado

Authors: Gregory Bohuslav, D.O., Elsie Haynes, D.O., Chandra Jennings, D.O., MPH, Aaron Moore D.O., & Brad Dempsey, M.D. (Faculty)

Program: Southern Colorado Family Medicine, Pueblo

Abstract: The opioid epidemic has emerged as a leading public health crisis in the 21st century. Since the 1980s, the WHO has classified Naloxone as an “Essential Medication” for stemming public harm by prevention of overdose deaths. Throughout the United States, healthcare resources are being mobilized to address this health crisis. Efforts in Colorado to address this issue include the implementation of Senate Bill 15-053, which allows for creation of standing orders for Naloxone dispensation. This project’s methods utilized a phone survey to assess awareness of Colorado’s Naloxone standing orders in pharmacies in Pueblo, Colorado in 2017. Survey results identified increased awareness of state policy and Naloxone availability in large pharmacy chains in Pueblo. Independent pharmacies were unlikely to have Naloxone or dispense it without a written order. In conclusion, the project demonstrated limitations in awareness of state policy, which impacts Naloxone accessibility, a crucial barrier to prevention of overdose deaths.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to… • To describe physical and social barriers to Naloxone access • To explain Colorado’s "Standing Order" Naloxone policy • To increase awareness of Naloxone availability in local pharmacies

Category: Preventative care

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