Project Title: Innovating the Resident Recruitment Process to Increase Workforce Diversity
Authors: Amelia Challender, MA; Cleveland Piggott, MD, Michael Benavidez, MD, Shontelle Jaramillo, BA, Chloe Finke, BA, Linda Montgomery, MD, MA
Program: University of Colorado Family Medicine Residency
Abstract: Background: Studies show that a more diverse workforce enhances team function and the quality of patient care. The 2019 ACGME Common Program Requirements required that residency programs describe how they are working to recruit and retain a diverse workforce. Objectives: Our residency innovated our recruitment processes with the goal of matching a more diverse residency class and evaluated our approach. Innovations: Changes were aligned with the AAMC’s Holistic Review model and included: Changes to application review, workshop for recruitment team, interview evaluation rubric, interviewer training, improved marketing materials, and a second look event. Evaluation Methods: Interviewee survey, second look survey, and an analysis of ERAs data. Outcomes: Our analysis of ERAs data suggests our innovations may have been successful in increasing the diversity of those who applied (15.2% URM in 2017 to 19.2% URM in 2020), interviewed (11.4% URM in 2017 to 16.2% URM in 2020), and matched (30% URM or POC in 2017 to 45.5% URM or POC in 2019, but only 1 URM resident in both classes) at our program. Responses to our formative evaluation surveys suggested applicants viewed our innovations favorably.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to…
• Identify simple innovations their residency could implement to recruit more diverse residents.
• Consider methods for defining and measuring diversity within a residency.
Category: Resident education/curriculum
***This Poster Presentation is also being featured as an Oral Presentation