Project Title: Improving Resident Education Through a Structured Obstetrics Teaching Curriculum
Authors: Kale Flory, MS, DO; J. Bradley Stern, MD
Program: Fort Collins Family Medicine Residency
Abstract: Residency is an opportunity to build knowledge and confidence in patient care. Rotation re-structuring within our family medicine program provided an opportunity to standardize the teaching within our high-risk obstetrics clinic, which is staffed by residents and community OB/GYN attendings. Using the first-year residents’ schedule as a guide, daily topics were selected to correspond with the 1-week orientation and two 3-week block rotations. Topics would address common outpatient prenatal care needs. At the end of the first block rotation, a survey evaluated the perceived benefits, assessed topic discussion consistency, and elicited recommendations for additional topics or changes for the second block. The information collected was used to adjust the teaching topics and restructure the curriculum as appropriate. A second survey will be sent at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year to evaluate this prenatal clinic teaching calendar as a whole.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to…
• Standardize obstetric topic discussion in the outpatient clinic to assure equal learning opportunities for all residents.
• Evaluate improvement in perceived resident knowledge of the management of pregnant patients with the implementation of a scheduled, structured teaching curriculum facilitated by OB/GYN attendings in a high-risk outpatient clinic.
Category: Resident education/curriculum