Project Title: Case Report: Septic shock from Fusobacterium necrophorum pelvic inflammatory disease in an 18 year old female following a spontaneous abortion
Authors: Abria Bonner, MD; Megan Harper, MD
Program: Saint Joseph Family Medicine Residency
Abstract: A 2007 article published in the American Society for Microbiology commented on 3 cases studies of post-partum or post-abortion Fusobacterium necrophorum. In this case report, an 18 year old female presented to St. Joseph Hospital in septic shock with vague infectious symptoms including fever, abdominal pain, and back pain. A pelvic examination was not originally performed upon presentation to the emergency department. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause septic shock and even death if not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. F. necrophum is more commonly an oral pathogen; although, it can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and female gential tract. This case underscores the importance of considering pelvic inflammatory disease in sexually active patients, especially those with high risk behaviors. It also reinforces the importance of detailed information gathering, including social history, and appropriate indications for pelvic exams.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to…
• Identify symptoms concerning for pelvic inflammatory disease and patients who are at higher risk
• Identify patients who should be screened for pelvic inflammatory disease, and how to properly diagnose it
• Discuss reasons for increased susceptibility to invasive disease by Fusobacterium necrophorum post-partum or post-abortion
Category: Case report