There are a number of state and national organizations that provide resources and services for Family Medicine Residency faculty. Relevant organizations are listed below, followed by regulatory organizations that govern residency programs.
Resources for Faculty
Colorado Commission on Family Medicine (COFM), Colorado Association of Family Medicine Residencies (CAFMR), and Colorado Institute of Family Medicine (CIFM)
The Colorado Association of Family Medicine Residencies, the Commission on Family Medicine and the Colorado Institute of Family Medicine work closely together to ensure high quality health care for all Coloradans by enhancing access to primary care, including rural and underserved communities, through the training of exceptional family physicians.
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
STFM is “an association of nearly 5,000 innovative family medicine educators. These teachers include medical school professors, preceptors, residency program faculty, residency program directors and others involved in family medicine education.”
North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPGRG)
NAPCRG is “a multidisciplinary organization for primary care researchers” that strives to foster primary care research. NAPCRG “[nurtures] novice researchers with training in research methodology, grant development, and career planning; supportive feedback on research ideas and projects; and experience presenting their work in an international forum.”
Residency Leadership Summit
An annual conference of the American Academy of Family Physicians' (AAFP), RLS provides family medicine residency program directors, faculty, nurses, and administrators across the country educational and networking opportunities” and may be of interest to faculty.
Resources for Providers
Colorado Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP)
CAFP is a membership-based organization that “supports Colorado’s family physicians and patients by providing state-level advocacy, offering affordable and relevant education through our Annual Summit and other events, and championing health of the public initiatives that help all Coloradans live healthier lives.”
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
The national membership organization for family physicians, the AAFP’s mission is to “improve the health of patients, families, and communities by serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.” Join the AAFP for access to a variety of member resources, including a CME reporting system, professional resources, member interest groups, and member directories.
Colorado Medical Society (CMS)
CMS is “is the largest organization of physicians in Colorado, with over 7,500 members across all specialties and employment settings. Faculty may consider joining CMS to be a part of the largest physician organization in the state.
Regulatory Organizations
It can also be helpful for faculty to be aware of the four major organizations that establish requirements and regulations that govern how residency programs operate. The following descriptions and links are provided to help faculty easily find relevant documents.
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
The ACGME establishes program requirements, accredits programs, conducts periodic reviews, requires annual data reporting, and has the power to censure or close programs.
American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
ABFM is a not-for-profit, private organization whose mission is to improve the health of the public through Board Certification, Residency Training, Research, Leadership Development, and promote the development of the specialty of Family Medicine.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS)
CMS provides residency programs with funding from Medicare, through Direct (DME) payments and Indirect (IME) payments. CMS has established requirements about when patients can be seen by residents, how visits are billed, and the role of the teaching physician/preceptor. T
The National Residency Matching Program (NRMP)
The NRMP standardizes the process of selecting new residents for programs that choose to participate in The Match® (including all CAFMR programs and nearly all programs nationwide). The NRMP uses an online system called ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) to process applications.